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About Author B. Niles

B. Niles has been ministering to youth and children for over 25 years. She started serving as a summer camp counselor at 18 years old and became a youth pastor at 19. Her heart for children grew as she served as a home missionary to refugee children and families from around the world; developed outreach programs for low-income families in conjunction with a local Youth Services Department; and created a youth entrepreneurial, training, and internship program that afforded teens opportunities in the marketplace. Remembering Jesus’ words, “Let the little children come unto me,” her desire is that they see Jesus’ love extended through her. She admits that she often fails, but that doesn’t stop her from trying. Above all, Jesus Christ is the epicenter of her life. As such, the creation of Carl the Sea Turtle’s Journey to Truth has been a labor of love both for Him and for children.

B. Niles, a transplant from the island of Trinidad, lives in rural Maryland. She is the author of Celebrating Men and its Companion: Group Discussion Guide. Previously employed by Bethany House Publishers, she is thrilled about her return to the world of publishing, and her role in the development of the Journey to Truth children’s series.

About Author Janielle Lee

Janielle Lee has a heart for children and seeks to inspire and mentor youth. Because of her love for children and the increasing trend of gender dysphoria in today’s culture, Janielle felt compelled to action, resulting in her co-developing the Journey to Truth children’s series addressing gender from a biblical perspective. Her ultimate desire is that, through this series, she will provide a platform for children and parents to openly explore the biblical teachings that God has set on her heart. In this new endeavor, she is guided by Proverbs 3:5-6 that says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.”

Janielle Lee, originally from Virginia, is an experienced communications and social media specialist. She is also a mentor and educator in rural North Carolina serving at-risk children.